Balkan Kids

At the beginning of March, The Social Teahouse joined as a partner of the Children in the Balkans Foundation, which coordinates the implementation of the internship project "Learn the skills, share the power", under number 2018-1-BG01-ESC21-061128 under the European Solidarity Corps program through the HRDC

Name of project:

„Learn the skills, share the power“


Aim of project:


„Providing funds and mentoring support for the appointment of trainees for the acquisition of skills and knowledge for the establishment and management of a social enterprise.


Project budget: 2342.00 EUR,  from which:

200 EUR – for mentorship support.

1272 EUR – for organizational expenses connected with the project activities.

250 EUR – for events.

248 EUR – for moving expenses.

372 EUR – inclusion cost.

Project period:  March – July 2021.