Foundation Starbucks

Social Skills Academy – Ensuring Inclusivity in the Work Environment

Social Skills Academy – Ensuring Inclusivity in the Work Environment is a community-based project that will work on the integration of at-risk youth in the labor market. Through the Academy for young people, at least 20 youngsters will learn what the labor market is, how to prepare for their first employment, and how to navigate the world of working in a team. The activities are specifically aimed at the deficiencies of the group and are meant to give them realistic expectations, relevant information, and practical instruments to succeed. On the other hand, the Academy for Employers will inform local teams about what it is like to work with and manage vulnerable people in order to create an inclusive work environment. The workshops will include skilled professionals and will focus on the exchange of know-how. That way the process of integration will take place and be finalized with an “Experience Day” where youngsters will be able to visit local employers and ask their questions.