Team EN

The Social Teahouse team

Management Board

Tihomir Donev Тихомир Донев

Tihomir Donev


Мая Донева Maya Doneva

Maya Doneva

Co-founder of the Social Teahouse and member of the Managing Board


Rado Atanasov

Volunteer coordinator

Стояна Стоева Stoyana Stoeva

Stoyana Stoeva

Co-founder of the Social Teahouse


The Teahouse is what it is thanks to one special group of helpful people – our volunteers. They have helped in overcoming many obstacles – from renovation works on the building we are housed in to work with kids and youngsters without parents. The volunteers are the people who support our cause with their most precious resources – their time and effort.

Through monthly workshops with the children in the Family-type housing centres, our volunteers are working towards the development of various social and personal skills – communication, responsibility, motivation, life skills and positive thinking. These key skills help the youngsters in making choices and taking decisions, necessary in their life after leaving the institution and becoming independent.   

The Social Teahouse needs dedicated and patient people, who can spare two hours a week for a longer period of time, in which they can share their motivation, experience and good examples with the children through different games, workshops and other activities, prepared by us. So if you live in Varna and want to make the world a better place through small but consistent steps ahead, do not hesitate and get in touch!

We will help you with getting all the necessary documents and will go through a small training, which will prepare you for what lies ahead.

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