Ready for Work – First Job Academy using the methodology of the Social Teahouse mentoring programme
The project “Ready for Work – First Job Academy using the methodology of the Social Teahouse mentoring programme” aims to engage unemployed youth from vulnerable groups and support their integration into the labour market. The organisation will use methods developed over its years of working with young people from residential services to provide support, awareness and practical skills for each participant from the target group. The youngsters will have the opportunity to work with a personal mentor who will guide them through the processes of preparing for the job market – preparing resumes and cover letters, applying for open positions, and preparing documents for an employment contract. In the meantime, young people will be supported personally to overcome obstacles resulting from their vulnerable backgrounds. This will happen by referring them to partner services, organisations and institutions. The project will cover 50 young people from Varna and Plovdiv, who will be trained on their rights and responsibilities in the labour market and will learn how to avoid labour exploitation and trafficking for labour exploitation. The project will also focus on helping employers to build a sustainable culture for employing vulnerable people. Responsible employers will receive support through lectures on a variety of topics and assistance when issues and emergencies arise. At the end of the programme each young person will be referred to partner businesses with the aim of moving into supported employment and sustainable labour market inclusion. The project will run over two and a half years and will extend the reach of the organisation’s mentoring programme to provide the experience gained to more vulnerable youth in the local context.
The project is financed by Operational Programme “Development of Human Resources” 2021-2027